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Designing and Maintaining a Generationally Focused and Situationally Responsive Platform of Benefit Offerings

Date: June 25, 2025 Time: 1:00 pm EST


The benefits expectations and needs of a generationally diverse workforce can be difficult to understand, and even more difficult to administer. An aged fifty-five worker may look to their employer expecting robust healthcare coverage, retirement readiness tools, and other income preservation resources; however the expectations of a twenty-five year old worker may stand in stark contrast to these expectations to a worker early in their career, as these workers are likely looking to build a family, seeking to purchase their first home, and struggling to resolve their accrued academic debt. To be sure, vanguard employer destinations understand and administer a total rewards platform that is both responsive and flexible across the generations of workers they employ.

In this timely and practical program, our subject matter compliance experts will define the new generations of workers, giving life to the demands and expectations of a generationally diverse workforce. Offering step-by-step design modelling and creative, engaging communication campaign techniques, this program will dive into the following subject matter:

  1. What are the new generations of workers – how are they defined?
  2. What are the expectations and demands of each generation of workers?3
  3. What are the impediments to building and maintaining a generationally diverse workforce?
  4. How does an employer build a generationally diverse total rewards platform?
  5. What legislative and regulatory vehicles are available to compound an employer’s efforts to maintain a generationally appropriate total rewards platform?


Natashia Wright & Dominique Town


Marie Smith

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