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upcoming webinar

An Introduction to the Complex World of ERISA Fiduciary Status for Health & Welfare Plan Sponsorship

Date: October 29, 2025 Time: 1:00 pm EST


Understanding ERISA fiduciary status is a complex proposition. Historically, the focus and implications related to ERISA fiduciary status were more largely reserved for the world of retirement plans; however, as plaintiff’s attorneys and federal agencies have become more zealous in their advocacy efforts, and as health and welfare plans have evolved and become significantly more complex, the light of ERISA fiduciary implications has zeroed in on health plans, too.

In this program we will identify and explore the ERISA fiduciary code of conduct, including the fiduciary duties to which ERISA fiduciaries must adhere. Building upon the foundational principles of both law and caselaw, we’ll dive into fiduciary status, exploring foundational concepts, requirements, and best practices.

Attendees of this program will:

  1. Learn and understand the identification and designation standard and requirements for plan-level ERISA fiduciaries in the health & welfare plan context;
  2. Learn and understand the implications of ERISA fiduciary status designations;
  3. Learn and apply the ERISA fiduciary’s code of professional conduct;
  4. Understand fiduciary training and educational concepts and standards related to fiduciary readiness and governance best practices; and,
  5. Review and understand recent enforcement trends resulting in both criminal and civil penalties against ERISA fiduciaries.


Jason Sheffield & Dominique Town


Marie Smith

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