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Business insurance, employee benefits, and personal coverage are industries in motion. We help you stay on top of the topics and trends that matter most.

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Contractor Professional Liability vs. General Liability Insurance
Understanding general vs. professional liability insurance In the construction world, safeguarding your business goes beyond delivering quality work on time...

Successfully Scale Benefits Globally for your U.S.-Based Tech Company
When U.S. technology companies start expanding globally, it quickly becomes evident that their innovative benefits package won't automatically translate to...

Surety Bonding
Surety Bonds vs. Letters of Credit: Which is Better?
Leverage surety bonds over letters of credit The economy is in a continual state of flux, with interest rates, inflation,...

Compliance Considerations
Organizational furloughs, layoffs, and other workforce reductions
In this Baldwin Brief, we explore the technical, legal, and regulatory requirements underlying organizational workforce change management initiatives and evaluate...

Disaster Prep
Prepare your home and business: Cold weather tips
If you own a business or reside in an area with cold temperatures, there are steps you can take to...

Disaster Prep
8 Ways to Prepare your Business for a Natural Disaster
When it comes to planning for natural disasters, the word “planning” is key. If you wait until an event occurs,...

Five Things to Understand about Business Interruption Insurance
If a hurricane makes landfall in your community, do you have a plan to help your business recover from damage...

Disaster Prep
Five Phases to Create a Business Continuity Plan
What will you do when a disaster affects your business? After an extreme weather event or disaster, people think lives...

California Legal & Regulatory Update for 2025
Description: The year 2025 will see significant changes to benefits, employment and labor laws at both the state and federal...

An Introduction to the Complex World of ERISA Fiduciary Status for Health & Welfare Plan Sponsorship
Description: Understanding ERISA fiduciary status is a complex proposition. Historically, the focus and implications related to ERISA fiduciary status were...

Fall Compliance Update: An Overview of Significant Employee Benefits Related Laws, Rulemaking, & Litigation Events
Description: During this timely session, participants will learn aspects of the most significant employee benefit-related events occurring through the first...

Absence Management Strategies and Solutions for Middle-Market Employers
Description: Employee populations continue to trend from being regionally defined to borderless by nature. Human Resource teams are struggling to...